CBT TAILS – A Book Series by
Dr. Jonathan and Ram Kushnir
Our Books


As a clinician, I found this book to be a wonderful tool for helping kids who suffer from social anxiety. It is written with humor and simplicity, based on CBT models.

Maya Bar Tov
Clinical Psychologist
I loved the authors’ previous books on shyness and sleep fears, and waited patiently to the current one on anger management. I found it to be very helpful for me as a clinician, as well as very inspiring and informative for parents and their children. It is very well written and beautifully illustrated. I highly recommend it!

Dr. Claudia Lang
Clinical Psychologist
This book is a very useful guide, both to me as a parent and as a clinical psychologist. Often I am asked for advice on this key issue many parents and children struggle with at some point during childhood. I’m delighted to offer this guide, which is clear and reader friendly, as a valuable resource. It can be read by parents to empower them to handle the fears of their children with confidence and empathy, and it can also be used as a helpful addition in therapy with clients who may benefit from input in this area.

Dr. Yael Krupnik
Clinical Psychologist